TikTok 手机 ads

Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads

Looking for some TikTok 手机 ads ? You've come to the right place.

Updated on May 27 2024


Each week, we update this resource with the TikTok 手机 ads, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.

FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.

TikTok 手机 ads: May 2024

TikTok 手机 ads: May 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Hugo Low,阿隆★猪油仔★师公法坛★,鑫辰互娱-八爺,一念逍遙:涅槃重生,💥限量100組🔥2折瘋狂優惠中🔥,一念逍遙:涅槃重生,一念逍遙:涅槃重生,美丽蜕变,一念逍遙:涅槃重生,💥限量100組🔥2折瘋狂優惠中🔥.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok 手机 ads: May 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:407253 Ad Impressions,42 Days,1059 Popularity,407253 views,993 likes,35 comments,31 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates,Australia,Indonesia


Hugo Low

Ad Text: Foolishness is an unavoidable part of life, especially when it comes to love—everyone makes mistakes. So, I've decided to write a song that's full of self-mockery and humor. The style is light and casual, like I'm mumbling to the air. The lyrics reflect on past mistakes and embarrassing moments, with laughter and hidden tears. Knowing that the one you love is deceiving you, but still pretending not to know. I hope this song can bring some release and insight. 愚蠢是人生中不可避免的一部分,尤其在爱情面前,每个人都会犯错误。因此,我决定创作一首自嘲和自我讽刺的歌曲,曲风轻浮随意,仿佛在向天空无约束地发牢骚。通过歌词反思那些曾经的失误和尴尬,歌词笑中有泪,泪中有嘲。明知道爱的人在欺骗自己,却依旧自欺欺人,假装不知。这首歌希望能够带来一些发泄与启示。 If there are musicians or friends who are interested, we can get together to exchange music or jam songs. Everyone is welcome to contact my phone & Whatapps number: 016-2290309. 若有缘音乐人或有兴趣的朋友,大家可以一起切磋音乐或Jam歌,无任欢迎,可以联络我的手机& Whatapps号码:016-2290309。#fyp@MusicOnTikTok @MusicOnTikTok Japan @Music_Video_Lyrics @music @MUSIC @musiklive07 @chilitomato_music

Call to action: Lihat profil TikTok

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $5.48 - 22.06

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

7715 Ad Impressions,2 Days,79 Popularity,7715 views,75 likes,1 comments,3 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 自己看真的是黏着,的正宗的🇹🇭阿赞阁舔狗油,聚财油、愿望油、迷情油、魅力花粉油、108种金箔 108转运缠心藤油、19种魅力符咒加持、21种聚财守财符咒加持、18种清债符咒加持、19座寺庙招财油等、共同入料加持99次才完成出庙的极品圣物!!超强迷惑驯服功效!独立心咒,独立使用方法!让对方像舔狗一样粘着你,听从你的命令!法门本身叫做“狗脸魅力法门”来自柬埔寨!神秘的法门!加入“狗吞心”油!只能在每年的12月份制作!一年只能制作一次!超级适合夜场和想找个听话的另一半[机智]让男生为你多花钱的,价格是我发现的师傅强力功效里最划算的了招揽异性缘、爱情运、人缘、贵人运、财运、吸引对象!!单身 者改善爱情运必备,感情不顺者必备 夫妻感情不 合必备 吸引事业有成男士向你靠拢,并被你征服, 大方为你一掷千金,只为博红颜一笑!!已经分手想挽回者佩戴后,对方会万分后悔与你分开,迫不及待想要与你重修旧好,不管任何人反对都坚持站在你这边!!变成乖乖听话、懂得关心,懂得浪漫的小奶狗!!夜场佩戴只有一句话形容:万花丛中过,片叶不沾身。客人们纷纷对你示好并且不要任何回报!!如果戴师傅其他牌,这个符管还可以增强其他牌所有功效,师傅秘法经文亲手刻制!!让所有功效加倍显现,极速突破困境,带来无数财运与机遇!! #阿赞Ko #阿赞阁 #佛牌 #法事

Call to action: 瀏覽 TikTok 個人資料

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $10.16 - 40.63

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

8037 Ad Impressions,2 Days,53 Popularity,8037 views,47 likes,3 comments,3 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 苦于找不到能落地的变现项目?联系我,领取一部手机也能做的变现方案

Call to action: العرض الآن

Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $9.38 - 37.63

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

9495 Ad Impressions,4 Days,130 Popularity,9495 views,98 likes,24 comments,8 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: 結交仙友、尋宝屠魔!

Ad targeting: Australia

TikTok ad cost:: $175.46 - 704.51

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

133250 Ad Impressions,3 Days,116 Popularity,133250 views,110 likes,2 comments,4 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 家裏備一個,珍貴的老照片就都能保存下來了,1000G超大容量,手机/电脑/iPad都能用!即插即用,快速传输

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $17.37 - 69.5

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

13866 Ad Impressions,6 Days,122 Popularity,13866 views,122 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: 結交仙友、尋宝屠魔!

Ad targeting: Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $83.02 - 333.86

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

105957 Ad Impressions,4 Days,120 Popularity,105957 views,115 likes,1 comments,4 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: 玩遊戲

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $7.96 - 31.85

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

6472 Ad Impressions,2 Days,8 Popularity,6472 views,8 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 最火爆的5G黒全新科技趋势🔥 轻轻松松变美又年轻的科技也是现代人赚米的新领域快速又简单 💢未来5年内 💢就是轻医美的趋势 美业赚钱的时机 💢要么,你是经营者 💢要么,你是跟随者 💢要么,你就是消费者 💢看懂趋势,参与进来 零基础,零经验也能轻松上手,绝不让你失望 保证你从零基础掌握到最顶端的黑技术 让你从学习中无阻碍 别犹豫❗别再等了❗ 抓住机会的最好时机改变自己 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐆槟城招生/招商: 20-21/5/2024 𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐊砂拉越古晋招生/招商: 7月份 #上热门 #抖音 #美丽的女人 #创业女性 #提升自己 #努力变优秀 #魅皱

Call to action: Hantar mesej

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $20.49 - 82.54

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

28837 Ad Impressions,6 Days,152 Popularity,28837 views,146 likes,4 comments,2 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: Mainkan game

Ad targeting: Indonesia

TikTok ad cost:: $64.53 - 259.31

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

78688 Ad Impressions,4 Days,136 Popularity,78688 views,132 likes,0 comments,4 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 家裏備一個,珍貴的老照片就都能保存下來了,1000G超大容量,手机/电脑/iPad都能用!即插即用,快速传输

Call to action: 立即預約

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $18.71 - 74.84

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

14936 Ad Impressions,9 Days,143 Popularity,14936 views,140 likes,0 comments,3 shares.

TikTok 手机 ads: April 2024

TikTok 手机 ads: April 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

DS Jewellery & Accessories 2,买一发六火爆热销中,True spa,7天免费试用!不好用包退款!,7天免费试用!不好用包退款!,💥限量100組🔥2折瘋狂優惠中🔥,7天免费试用!不好用包退款!,7天免费试用!不好用包退款!,一念逍遙:涅槃重生,一念逍遙:涅槃重生.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok 手机 ads: April 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:3176716 Ad Impressions,64 Days,3054 Popularity,3176716 views,2959 likes,23 comments,72 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Vietnam,Singapore,United States,Taiwan,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates,Indonesia,Korea


DS Jewellery & Accessories 2

Display name:

Ad Text: 做手机链,我是认真的👍!各种风格都没问题😆😆😆#SGFashion #customization #handmade #handphonecharm #bagcharm

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Singapore,Taiwan,Indonesia,Malaysia,Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $72.18 - 289.89

Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

70186 Ad Impressions,17 Days,69 Popularity,70186 views,63 likes,1 comments,5 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 发光三合一快充线,超快充电,充满自动断电,适应各种类型的手机

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.07 - 0.28

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

11 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,11 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


True spa

Ad Text: 我们True Spa对工作,一直都在努力[愉快] 对客户,我们一直保持真诚[爱心] 发广告,只是证明我们在上班😉一个电话,一个信息,我们随时为您安排🤗想要按摩的哥哥姐姐看过来 Address/地点:BLK 527 Bedok North Street 3 #01-522 # Singapore 460527 Biz Hrs/营业时间:8AM- 10:30PM Whatsapp: 82234231 手机号 69805968 Website: www.true-spa.com Individual Bathroom /有独立浴室 #massage #massagyesingapore #spa #spasingapore #fullbodymassage #relaxtime #relaxingday #bestmassage #bestmassagesg #warmoilmassage #massagesg #spasg #sgmassage #bestmassagesingapore#sgspa #recommendmassage #superstar

Call to action: TikTok 프로필 보기

Ad targeting: Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $2.27 - 9.12

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

6233 Ad Impressions,3 Days,72 Popularity,6233 views,65 likes,2 comments,5 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 厂家直销强光LED手电筒,射程5000米,充电一次6个月,整机耐用60年!今日包邮到家!

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.16 - 0.62

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,1 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 厂家直销强光LED手电筒,射程5000米,充电一次6个月,整机耐用60年!今日包邮到家!

Call to action: 聯絡我們

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $4.58 - 18.34

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

3726 Ad Impressions,3 Days,29 Popularity,3726 views,29 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 【买一送一】车载挂钩!可以手机、包包、垃圾、饮料各种杂物!

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.81 - 27.24

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

5082 Ad Impressions,2 Days,25 Popularity,5082 views,25 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 厂家直销强光LED手电筒,射程5000米,充电一次6个月,整机耐用60年!今日包邮到家!

Call to action: 聯絡我們

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $3.87 - 15.48

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

2799 Ad Impressions,2 Days,11 Popularity,2799 views,11 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 厂家直销强光LED手电筒,射程5000米,充电一次6个月,整机耐用60年!今日包邮到家!

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.11 - 4.44

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

483 Ad Impressions,1 Days,3 Popularity,483 views,3 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: Main permainan

Ad targeting: Malaysia,Taiwan,Korea,United States,United Arab Emirates,Singapore,Vietnam

TikTok ad cost:: $2198.46 - 8825.92

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

United States TikTok cpm: $3.42

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65

Vietnam TikTok cpm: $0.47

1872119 Ad Impressions,18 Days,1782 Popularity,1872119 views,1722 likes,15 comments,45 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手机1%电也要玩的修仙游戏!全新版本上线,躺着也能渡劫飞升!

Call to action: Main permainan

Ad targeting: Malaysia,Taiwan,United Arab Emirates

TikTok ad cost:: $957.67 - 3848.92

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74

1216076 Ad Impressions,16 Days,1063 Popularity,1216076 views,1041 likes,5 comments,17 shares.

TikTok 手机 ads: March 2024

TikTok 手机 ads: March 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

💥90%OFF🔥【最后100单】🔥,品檸PINICK數位旗艦店❤️‍🔥買一送一!!,mas.de-donalon.com,mas.de-donalon.com,mas.de-donalon.com,TW-Online Shop,TW-Online Shop,dissy.official,精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家,80%OFF🔥【最后100单】.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok 手机 ads: March 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:193483 Ad Impressions,30 Days,1930 Popularity,193483 views,1833 likes,7 comments,90 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan,Malaysia,Australia



Display name:

Ad Text: 男士镂空机械表,精致瑞士机芯,探索时间艺术,手工雕琢,精益求精。100 米防水,防刮蓝宝石水晶镜面。

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $9.79 - 39.16

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

7871 Ad Impressions,4 Days,48 Popularity,7871 views,48 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 爆款热销榜TOP1!四合一快充合金數據線(4IN1多功能接口手机、平板、超强快充65w大功率)四种接口随意切换!

Call to action: 造訪商店

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $2.09 - 8.34

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1316 Ad Impressions,1 Days,4 Popularity,1316 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024年最热门的汽车打气帮手,迅速加满。可准作量轮胎气压、手机充电宝还有LED照明系统。

Call to action: Learn more

Ad targeting: Australia

TikTok ad cost:: $3.87 - 15.49

Australia TikTok cpm: $1.89

2049 Ad Impressions,3 Days,15 Popularity,2049 views,10 likes,0 comments,5 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024年最热门的汽车打气帮手,迅速加满。可准作量轮胎气压、手机充电宝还有LED照明系统。

Call to action: Ketahui lebih lanjut

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $0.61 - 2.47

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

645 Ad Impressions,2 Days,5 Popularity,645 views,5 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024年最热门的汽车打气帮手,迅速加满。可准作量轮胎气压、手机充电宝还有LED照明系统。

Call to action: Ketahui lebih lanjut

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $6.4 - 25.77

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

9008 Ad Impressions,7 Days,93 Popularity,9008 views,67 likes,1 comments,25 shares.


TW-Online Shop

Ad Text: 泛貓蘋果15promax盔甲鋼化膜iPhone14/13手機膜12pro防窺11無孔XR#手机膜

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.0 - 3.99

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

587 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,587 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


TW-Online Shop

Ad Text: 泛貓蘋果15promax盔甲鋼化膜iPhone14/13手機膜12pro防窺11無孔XR#手机膜

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.18 - 0.7

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

24 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,24 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 有手机的人就需要它‼️ Baseus专场🔥 3月25号 12PM🤓 低清TikTok直播间💥 #低清 #dissytt #低清直播 #baseus @Dissy TT @糖姐来了

Call to action: Ketahui lebih lanjut

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $79.51 - 320.27

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

111983 Ad Impressions,4 Days,1548 Popularity,111983 views,1519 likes,6 comments,23 shares.


精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家

Display name:

Ad Text: 2024新升級不擋出風口手機支架,可以360度自由調節,總有一個角度適合你!#车载手机支架 #汽車用品 #好物分享

Call to action: 查詢價格

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $43.19 - 173.66

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

55104 Ad Impressions,6 Days,208 Popularity,55104 views,172 likes,0 comments,36 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 男士镂空机械表,精致瑞士机芯,探索时间艺术,手工雕琢,精益求精。100 米防水,防刮蓝宝石水晶镜面。

Call to action: 閱讀更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $6.62 - 26.46

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

4896 Ad Impressions,1 Days,8 Popularity,4896 views,7 likes,0 comments,1 shares.

TikTok 手机 ads: February 2024

TikTok 手机 ads: February 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

💥90%OFF🔥【最後100單】🔥,💥90%OFF🔥【最后100单】🔥,PChome 24h安心購,Various useful products😍😍,[官方直營]無線快充手機架,Starfly grocery store,精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家,磁吸手机支架,精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家,💥90%OFF🔥【最后100单】🔥.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok 手机 ads: February 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:469690 Ad Impressions,53 Days,943 Popularity,469690 views,921 likes,1 comments,21 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Taiwan,Malaysia,Indonesia



Display name:

Ad Text: 充电器+手机支架+扬声器!快速充电无线手机支架,解放双手。不到 10 分钟,手机就能充满电

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.83 - 3.32

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

675 Ad Impressions,2 Days,7 Popularity,675 views,7 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 2024 年最热门的磁吸手机支架。强大磁力,瞬间吸附。无论你如何驾驶,它都不会脱落。15 分钟快速充电

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.92 - 7.7

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1563 Ad Impressions,3 Days,1 Popularity,1563 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


PChome 24h安心購

Display name:

Ad Text: 2024最新款 ins极简翻盖镜头框支架磨砂苹果15Pro手机壳iPhone14promax磁吸高级防指纹 散热 防摔套

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.61 - 6.45

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

1298 Ad Impressions,3 Days,4 Popularity,1298 views,4 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Various useful products😍😍

Display name:

Ad Text: 😍只需插入手机即可充电!💥 充满电后可为手机充电最多 20 次! 1万毫安迷你充电宝✅10分钟充满电✅支持多种手机型号📌容量大! 您可以边看剧边充电,不会损坏手机电池! 还有100款迪士尼联名商品,随机发送。

Call to action: 立即購買

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.24 - 4.95

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

974 Ad Impressions,2 Days,8 Popularity,974 views,7 likes,1 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 手機電池保養技巧,實現電池健康百分百,一边追剧一边充电。此过程不会损坏手机电池!支持无线快速充电!

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.75 - 34.98

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

6977 Ad Impressions,5 Days,26 Popularity,6977 views,26 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Starfly grocery store

Display name:

Ad Text: 汽车抛锚换胎太麻烦,试试这款省力扳手,正反转可调,女司机也能轻松换备胎,省时省力 千斤顶扳手 千斤顶

Call to action: Pesan sekarang

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $0.04 - 0.18

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

14 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,14 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家

Display name:

Ad Text: 你的夥伴肯定想拿走這款雙電弧打火機,而且現在入手更合適了,防水防風耐高溫!#男人的玩具 #打火机

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $7.18 - 28.73

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

5778 Ad Impressions,3 Days,10 Popularity,5778 views,10 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 磁吸車用手機支架,可360°旋轉,吸力強大不會脫落,使用方便。

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $1.2 - 4.78

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

480 Ad Impressions,1 Days,1 Popularity,480 views,1 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


精選優質好物 順豐速郵到家

Display name:

Ad Text: 2024新升级不挡出风口手机支架,可以360度自由调节,总有一个角度适合你!#车载支架 #支架 #汽车用品 #好物分享

Call to action: 立即訂購

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $543.77 - 2175.07

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

442061 Ad Impressions,20 Days,852 Popularity,442061 views,831 likes,0 comments,21 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 男士镂空机械表,精致瑞士机芯,探索时间艺术,手工雕琢,精益求精。100 米防水,防刮蓝宝石水晶镜面。

Call to action: Terapkan sekarang

Ad targeting: Indonesia,Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $8.34 - 33.51

Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

9870 Ad Impressions,13 Days,34 Popularity,9870 views,34 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

TikTok 手机 ads: January 2024

TikTok 手机 ads: January 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:

Smartphones,papioxo.com,soundstreammalaysia,🧚‍♀️Selene房产之旅,CS YONG,Worksy by Lightman,SYC Construction Company,【90% OFF💥】最後一批,含淚甩賣,Worksy by Lightman,💥限量100組🔥2折瘋狂優惠中🔥.

They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results TikTok 手机 ads: January 2024

The total number of days for these 10 ads:841709 Ad Impressions,42 Days,3385 Popularity,841709 views,3179 likes,53 comments,153 shares.

The countries they advertise contain: Vietnam,Taiwan,Malaysia,Korea



Ad Text: 未售出的智能手机库存几乎被送出!查看选项

Call to action: Tìm hiểu thêm

Ad targeting: Vietnam

TikTok ad cost:: $13.83 - 55.9

Vietnam TikTok cpm: $0.47

29412 Ad Impressions,2 Days,138 Popularity,29412 views,132 likes,6 comments,0 shares.



Ad Text: 小巧便携家用缝纫机!轻松缝补!拍一到手九件套!

Call to action: 자세히 알아보기

Ad targeting: Korea

TikTok ad cost:: $3

Korea TikTok cpm: $3

23 Ad Impressions,1 Days,0 Popularity,23 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: @whelanchoyofficial 的toyota vios来装上我们的最新旗舰机款 Ultra, 配有 2K QLED 超清屏幕, 支援 360° Sony 全景摄像头, 2年官方保家! 顺滑的手感一定让你念念不忘! #soundstream

Call to action: Lihat sekarang

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $532.15 - 2143.61

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

749214 Ad Impressions,14 Days,3033 Popularity,749214 views,2851 likes,45 comments,137 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 想要在KL【黄金三角】拥有一套房产的您,千万不要错过这个难得的投资机会!💰 以下是我们这个新项目的卖点: 💥 Bukit Bintang 第①间有主题的 Airbnb 💥 位于KL黄金三角最繁忙的十字路口!步行可到达各大商场 & 游客热点 (Pavilion, Lot 10, BBCC, Jalan Alor Food Street, Monorail & MRT Bukit Bintang, etc.) 💥 入场价比其他Bukit Bintang 项目低 (只需从 RM700k 就能入手!!) 💥 ROI 高达12%,超高的人流量导致这里的租金稳定,每个月稳稳4位数的被动收入! 💥 拥有7年经验的专业团队帮你管理Unit (包装修, 宣传, 出租) 💯💯 买了就可以直接租出去了 🤩 #附送高达RM90k的电器和家私给你 #装修钱也省回了 💥 名牌发展商Exsxx的作品,手工好,口碑好,所以全马的投资者都是抢着购买这个投资房产!#已经拥有了信心的保证了 =========================================== 现在我们有提供【免费的 Zoom Online Consultation】为您详细分析我们的项目和市场趋势。每一位想当包租公/包租婆的您赶快来了解吧!✅分享项目 ❌Hardsell #马来西亚房产投资 #airbnb #bukitbintang #好房推荐 #新手投资

Call to action: Invia messaggio

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $22.6 - 91.02

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

31725 Ad Impressions,5 Days,63 Popularity,31725 views,62 likes,0 comments,1 shares.



Ad Text: 【超值快速!Maxis 家庭光纤网 - 速度飙升,价格超赞!】 🌟 需要高速网络的朋友们,看过来!🌟 🚀 成为新用户,即可享受 Maxis 500MBPS 超值优惠,仅需 RM149!🤩 🔥 我们为新用户准备了四种不同速度的 Maxis Fibre 网络套餐: 💥 100MBPS - RM89 💫 300MBPS - RM129 💰 500MBPS - RM149 (超级优惠) 📡 1GBPS - RM249 (FREE MAX WIFI) 📣📣目前用着别的平台,想转来Maxis⁉️转台用户可以获得免费6个月😎😎 🎁 特别加赠:Add on最低从RM1起,您就可以拥有智能电视机、iPad、5G智能手机、Laptop、PS5、Dyson产品等等‼️ 🌐 Maxis 还提供以下免费服务: 免费注册 免费检查 免费安装 免费 WiFi 6 路由器 马上PM我 或者 WhatsApp http://wasap.my/60167785297/MaxisPromo #Maxis光纤 #maxishomefibre #高速网络 #超值优惠 #智能家居 #科技生活 ##maxis #Maxis #maxisfibre #maxisfiber #maxisinternet #Maxisaddon #wifi #Wifi #fiber #fibre #Fibre #internet #Internet #addondevice #maxisbiggestsale #maxismalaysia #maxisjohor

Call to action: Hantar mesej

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $1.96 - 7.89

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

2500 Ad Impressions,3 Days,7 Popularity,2500 views,5 likes,0 comments,2 shares.


Worksy by Lightman

Display name:

Ad Text: 不知道如何评估员工的绩效? 超级简单,用 Worksy! 你可以随时随地用手机查看你的员工表现和报表 😉 #worksy #attendance #attendancesystem #software #softwarehr #cloudpayrollsystem #hrmadeeasy

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $12.42 - 49.69

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

10051 Ad Impressions,4 Days,34 Popularity,10051 views,32 likes,0 comments,2 shares.


SYC Construction Company

Display name:

Ad Text: https://wa.me/+60103805555 感谢老板的支持与信任🤝🤝🤝 也祝老板生意興隆,興旺發發發🎊🎊🎊 欢迎各位老板老板娘有兴趣要安装门请与我们联系,询问价格不浪费时间金钱,就拿起手机问问📱📱📱 本公司有提供专业的商业卷帘门,电动门和透视门种类等等... 的安装及维修。 We are providing professional services of install, repair and maintenance for commercial rolling shutters, perspective door , electric driven door and etc 要安装和维修可以联系 : https://wa.me/+60103805555 https://wa.me/+60198469696 #SYC_CONSTRUCTION_COMPANY #MOTORIZED_____SYC #ROLLER_____SYC #SHUTTLE_____SYC #AC600KG_MOTOR_____SYC #AC800KG_MOTOR_____SYC #DC600KG_MOTOR_____SYC #DC800KG_MOTOR_____SYC #AC1000KG_MOTOR_____SYC #AC1500KG_MOTOR_____SYC #AC2000KG_MOTOR_____SYC #SUPPLY_____SYC #ROLLER_SHUTTLE_MOTOR_SUPPLY_____SYC #ROLLER_SHUTTER_MOTOR_SUPPLY_____SYC #rollershuttleinkuching_____SYC #shuttlekuching_____SYC #motorisedrollershuttlekuching______SYC #rollershuttlekuching______SYC

Call to action: Hantar mesej

Ad targeting: Malaysia

TikTok ad cost:: $6.3 - 25.38

Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71

8853 Ad Impressions,2 Days,56 Popularity,8853 views,53 likes,0 comments,3 shares.


【90% OFF💥】最後一批,含淚甩賣

Display name:

Ad Text: 超級快充3合1!10分钟快速充满电,不发热 不伤手机!!小巧折叠方便收纳!耐用30年不會開裂斷頭!

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.29 - 1.17

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

237 Ad Impressions,2 Days,0 Popularity,237 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.


Worksy by Lightman

Display name:

Ad Text: 已经 2024 了是时候换去 cloud based HR system 了,只需一部手机就能查看所有员工的资料!赶快了解看看 🤗 #worksy #attendance #attendancesystem #software #softwarehr #cloudpayrollsystem #hrmadeeasy

Call to action: 了解更多

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $11.66 - 46.65

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

9411 Ad Impressions,7 Days,54 Popularity,9411 views,44 likes,2 comments,8 shares.



Display name:

Ad Text: 带液晶手写板的计算机,左边计算,右边记录。货到付款!

Call to action: 立即查看

Ad targeting: Taiwan

TikTok ad cost:: $0.35 - 1.39

Taiwan TikTok cpm: $1.23

283 Ad Impressions,2 Days,0 Popularity,283 views,0 likes,0 comments,0 shares.

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