air pro TikTok advertising
Published on August 18 2022 by Pipiads
Looking for some air pro TikTok advertising ? You've come to the right place.
Updated on August 12 2024
Each week, we update this resource with the air pro TikTok advertising, what they are, and how you can incorporate them into your strategy.
FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.
air pro TikTok advertising: August 2024
air pro TikTok advertising: August 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
PriscilaUGC,oppostore.indonesia,CASETiFY,vicegolf,Club Clio,vicegolf,CARRYMEINDONESIA,Matt Panella,Club Clio,Sharons beauty reviews.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results air pro TikTok advertising: August 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:1626074 Ad Impressions,23 Days,3004 Popularity,1626074 views,2761 likes,57 comments,186 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Canada,United States,Indonesia
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $27.8 - 111.42
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
10755 Ad Impressions,1 Days,26 Popularity,10755 views,22 likes,2 comments,2 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $19.96 - 81.28
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
48671 Ad Impressions,2 Days,783 Popularity,48671 views,636 likes,26 comments,121 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $4025.72 - 16138.21
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1177112 Ad Impressions,2 Days,1047 Popularity,1177112 views,993 likes,13 comments,41 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Canada
TikTok ad cost:: $172.7 - 691.77
Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75
98684 Ad Impressions,2 Days,143 Popularity,98684 views,136 likes,0 comments,7 shares.
Club Clio
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $13.02 - 52.18
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
3732 Ad Impressions,1 Days,95 Popularity,3732 views,90 likes,5 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Canada
TikTok ad cost:: $279.34 - 1118.97
Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75
159625 Ad Impressions,3 Days,448 Popularity,159625 views,441 likes,6 comments,1 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $4.66 - 18.97
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
11202 Ad Impressions,2 Days,58 Popularity,11202 views,52 likes,0 comments,6 shares.
Matt Panella
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $324.32 - 1300.11
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
94829 Ad Impressions,4 Days,308 Popularity,94829 views,298 likes,3 comments,7 shares.
Club Clio
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $3.75 - 15.04
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1725 Ad Impressions,1 Days,15 Popularity,1725 views,14 likes,1 comments,0 shares.
Sharons beauty reviews
Ad Text:
Call to action: Buy it
Ad targeting: United States,Canada
TikTok ad cost:: $51.03 - 204.5
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
Canada TikTok cpm: $1.75
19739 Ad Impressions,5 Days,81 Popularity,19739 views,79 likes,1 comments,1 shares.
air pro TikTok advertising: July 2024
air pro TikTok advertising: July 2024 Only 10 ads will be displayed, the names of these 10 ads are:
Ritu Bhattarai,,Dr. Mya,BudgetStyleSavvy,karen velderrain 🍒,Airbot,MIDWEST120,CASETiFY,Quick Ship,CASETiFY.
They are sorted by top views and belong to the best results air pro TikTok advertising: July 2024
The total number of days for these 10 ads:1080459 Ad Impressions,68 Days,9364 Popularity,1080459 views,9026 likes,76 comments,262 shares.
The countries they advertise contain: Singapore,Turkey,United States,Malaysia,United Arab Emirates,Indonesia
Ritu Bhattarai
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $2.93 - 11.73
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
1528 Ad Impressions,2 Days,147 Popularity,1528 views,89 likes,11 comments,47 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Belanja sekarang
Ad targeting: Indonesia
TikTok ad cost:: $11.18 - 45.53
Indonesia TikTok cpm: $0.41
27099 Ad Impressions,9 Days,207 Popularity,27099 views,193 likes,1 comments,13 shares.
Dr. Mya
Ad Text:
Call to action: Scopri di più
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $76.07 - 306.41
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
107103 Ad Impressions,3 Days,5551 Popularity,107103 views,5498 likes,11 comments,42 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $40.18 - 161.08
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
11585 Ad Impressions,9 Days,27 Popularity,11585 views,20 likes,1 comments,6 shares.
karen velderrain 🍒
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $1390.33 - 5573.51
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
406230 Ad Impressions,9 Days,1536 Popularity,406230 views,1453 likes,10 comments,73 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: Singapore
TikTok ad cost:: $6.84 - 27.48
Singapore TikTok cpm: $1.65
4124 Ad Impressions,1 Days,11 Popularity,4124 views,8 likes,0 comments,3 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Hemen al
Ad targeting: Turkey
TikTok ad cost:: $7.89 - 31.73
Turkey TikTok cpm: $3
25180 Ad Impressions,3 Days,24 Popularity,25180 views,24 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Beli sekarang
Ad targeting: Malaysia
TikTok ad cost:: $173.57 - 699.18
Malaysia TikTok cpm: $0.71
244467 Ad Impressions,14 Days,988 Popularity,244467 views,986 likes,2 comments,0 shares.
Quick Ship
Ad Text:
Call to action: اطلب الآن
Ad targeting: United Arab Emirates
TikTok ad cost:: $166.96 - 672.34
United Arab Emirates TikTok cpm: $0.74
225616 Ad Impressions,14 Days,829 Popularity,225616 views,711 likes,40 comments,78 shares.
Ad Text:
Call to action: Shop now
Ad targeting: United States
TikTok ad cost:: $94.14 - 377.4
United States TikTok cpm: $3.42
27527 Ad Impressions,4 Days,44 Popularity,27527 views,44 likes,0 comments,0 shares.
FYI:Pipiads is a TikTok adspy tool, we can provide TikTok ad example, convenient for you to view competitors' ads placement and find popular TikTok products.
Pipiads has a large number of air pro TikTok advertising, only 50 example cases are listed above, to see more and better of air pro TikTok advertising, come sign up for pipiads and try it for free!