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TikTok ads examples
TikTok ads examples is a series of data launched by Pipiads.
TikTok ads examples data is updated daily and all the tiktok ads examples in our list contain the following features of ads examples:
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Among other things, the details pages of all our tiktok advertising examples also contain: tik tok advertising text/copy, tik tok ads cost, advertising on tik tok, tit kok Ad Schedule, etc.
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WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 Tiktok ads
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads:1,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads cost:73.04-146.09,Region:TW(1),view:18261,likes:59,post:August 1 2021,Days: 8 Days,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok advertising text:Weplay太有意思了!好多小哥哥小姐姐在上面,隨時匹配一鍵開局!
September 30 2021
Gojek Singapore Tiktok ads
Gojek Singapore tiktok ads:1,Gojek Singapore tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:SG(1),view:63509,likes:81,post:July 27 2021,Days: 27 Days,Gojek Singapore tiktok advertising text:You get to ride free to your vaccination – and back. Sign up with Gojek to get started!
September 30 2021
Gear Race 3D Tiktok ads
Gear Race 3D tiktok ads:1,Gear Race 3D tiktok ads cost:8.07-20.97,Region:US(1),view:1613,likes:90,post:July 30 2021,Days: 6 Days,Gear Race 3D tiktok advertising text:Can you win the race?
September 30 2021
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 Tiktok ads
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads:1,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads cost:124.13-248.26,Region:TW(1),view:31032,likes:301,post:August 1 2021,Days: 9 Days,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok advertising text:Weplay太有意思了!好多小哥哥小姐姐在上面,隨時匹配一鍵開局!
September 30 2021
Hair Challenge Tiktok ads
Hair Challenge tiktok ads:1,Hair Challenge tiktok ads cost:237.05-616.33,Region:US(1),view:47410,likes:1188,post:July 29 2021,Days: 4 Days,Hair Challenge tiktok advertising text:Can you have the longest hair?
September 30 2021
Solitaire Cruise: Tripeaks Cards Game Tiktok ads
Solitaire Cruise: Tripeaks Cards Game tiktok ads:1,Solitaire Cruise: Tripeaks Cards Game tiktok ads cost:4151.08-10792.8,Region:US(1),view:830215,likes:6544,post:July 22 2021,Days: 4 Days,Solitaire Cruise: Tripeaks Cards Game tiktok advertising text:Want to play 24/7? Try Solitaire
September 30 2021
Rodeo Stampede: Sky Zoo Safari Tiktok ads
Rodeo Stampede: Sky Zoo Safari tiktok ads:1,Rodeo Stampede: Sky Zoo Safari tiktok ads cost:1.3-2.59,Region:TW(1),view:324,likes:1,post:July 29 2021,Days: 3 Days,Rodeo Stampede: Sky Zoo Safari tiktok advertising text:開局一頭牛,試試你能抓到多少稀有動物!
September 30 2021
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 Tiktok ads
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads:1,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads cost:0.12-0.24,Region:TW(1),view:30,likes:0,post:July 30 2021,Days: 5 Days,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok advertising text:Weplay太有意思了!好多小哥哥小姐姐在上面,隨時匹配一鍵開局!
September 30 2021
貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 Tiktok ads
貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok ads:1,貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok ads cost:4.39-8.78,Region:TW(1),view:1097,likes:1,post:July 31 2021,Days: 4 Days,貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok advertising text:一款超火的解壓小遊戲,隨時隨地都能玩!
September 30 2021
MIYA - 遇見好聲音 Tiktok ads
MIYA - 遇見好聲音 tiktok ads:1,MIYA - 遇見好聲音 tiktok ads cost:3.68-7.35,Region:TW(1),view:919,likes:3,post:July 27 2021,Days: 4 Days,MIYA - 遇見好聲音 tiktok advertising text:正妹御姐甜蜜哄睡叫醒,歡唱交友,想要體驗的這裡都有
September 30 2021
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 Tiktok ads
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads:1,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads cost:14.04-28.08,Region:TW(1),view:3510,likes:4,post:July 30 2021,Days: 8 Days,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok advertising text:Weplay太有意思了!好多小哥哥小姐姐在上面,隨時匹配一鍵開局!
September 30 2021
貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 Tiktok ads
貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok ads:1,貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok ads cost:2.21-4.42,Region:TW(1),view:552,likes:4,post:July 30 2021,Days: 5 Days,貪吃蛇進化論 - 新版貪食蛇 tiktok advertising text:一款超火的解壓小遊戲,隨時隨地都能玩!
September 30 2021
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 Tiktok ads
WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads:1,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok ads cost:23.69-47.38,Region:TW(1),view:5923,likes:19,post:July 30 2021,Days: 5 Days,WePlay - 線上桌遊吧 tiktok advertising text:Weplay太有意思了!好多小哥哥小姐姐在上面,隨時匹配一鍵開局!
September 30 2021
Gojek Singapore Tiktok ads
Gojek Singapore tiktok ads:1,Gojek Singapore tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:SG(1),view:42437,likes:33,post:July 27 2021,Days: 23 Days,Gojek Singapore tiktok advertising text:Ride free to your vaccination and back. Sign up with Gojek to get started!
September 30 2021
消去ゲーム:脳トリッキーテスト Tiktok ads
消去ゲーム:脳トリッキーテスト tiktok ads:1,消去ゲーム:脳トリッキーテスト tiktok ads cost:31.97-63.94,Region:JP(1),view:7992,likes:17,post:July 30 2021,Days: 6 Days,消去ゲーム:脳トリッキーテスト tiktok advertising text:準備はいいですか?タップしてスタート!今すぐダウンロード!
September 30 2021
パルシィ Tiktok ads
パルシィ tiktok ads:1,パルシィ tiktok ads cost:67.19-134.38,Region:JP(1),view:16798,likes:64,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,パルシィ tiktok advertising text:Palcyは待たずに0円一気読み!
September 30 2021
モンスターストライク Tiktok ads
モンスターストライク tiktok ads:1,モンスターストライク tiktok ads cost:1003.43-2608.91,Region:US(1),view:200685,likes:112,post:June 30 2021,Days: 7 Days,モンスターストライク tiktok advertising text:〈モンスト〉この爽快感はクセになる!
September 30 2021
モンスターストライク Tiktok ads
モンスターストライク tiktok ads:1,モンスターストライク tiktok ads cost:850.92-1701.83,Region:JP(1),view:212729,likes:233,post:July 28 2021,Days: 5 Days,モンスターストライク tiktok advertising text:可愛いキャラでモンストプレイしてみない?
September 30 2021
マガポケ Tiktok ads
マガポケ tiktok ads:1,マガポケ tiktok ads cost:331.22-662.43,Region:JP(1),view:82804,likes:347,post:June 7 2021,Days: 6 Days,マガポケ tiktok advertising text:マンガは無料で読む時代!
September 30 2021
マンガBANG Tiktok ads
マンガBANG tiktok ads:1,マンガBANG tiktok ads cost:507.32-1014.64,Region:JP(1),view:126830,likes:384,post:June 25 2021,Days: 5 Days,マンガBANG tiktok advertising text:マンガBANG!で今すぐ読める!!
September 30 2021
剣魂~剣と絆の異世界冒険伝 Tiktok ads
剣魂~剣と絆の異世界冒険伝 tiktok ads:3,剣魂~剣と絆の異世界冒険伝 tiktok ads cost:6451.16-15052.72,Region:JP,US(2),view:4300776,likes:4424,post:July 29 2021,Days: 9 Days,剣魂~剣と絆の異世界冒険伝 tiktok advertising text:7月29日から新ジョブ「忍者」実装、8月1日より1周年大感謝祭り開催!
September 30 2021
ゴールデンタイガースロット Tiktok ads
ゴールデンタイガースロット tiktok ads:3,ゴールデンタイガースロット tiktok ads cost:71.86-143.72,Region:AU,JP(2),view:61595,likes:46,post:July 28 2021,Days: 19 Days,ゴールデンタイガースロット tiktok advertising text:最大4人同時に戦える、強大なボスを倒す快感をぜひ体験しよう!
September 30 2021
CoolPhotoRoom Tiktok ads
CoolPhotoRoom tiktok ads:1,CoolPhotoRoom tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:147,likes:1,post:July 29 2021,Days: 4 Days,CoolPhotoRoom tiktok advertising text:A new app 2021!
September 30 2021
Re: 제로 Lost in Memories Tiktok ads
Re: 제로 Lost in Memories tiktok ads:1,Re: 제로 Lost in Memories tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:KR(1),view:1375,likes:2,post:July 31 2021,Days: 4 Days,Re: 제로 Lost in Memories tiktok advertising text:애니메이션 완벽 재현
September 30 2021
Photograph Labs X Tiktok ads
Photograph Labs X tiktok ads:1,Photograph Labs X tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:75,likes:2,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Photograph Labs X tiktok advertising text:Amazing Free App. Photo and video editor with many features
September 30 2021
Doctor Owl-Painting Match Game Tiktok ads
Doctor Owl-Painting Match Game tiktok ads:1,Doctor Owl-Painting Match Game tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:637,likes:7,post:July 13 2021,Days: 4 Days,Doctor Owl-Painting Match Game tiktok advertising text:Play for free, and redeem real prizes!
September 30 2021
Picsify Tiktok ads
Picsify tiktok ads:1,Picsify tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:528,likes:9,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Picsify tiktok advertising text:Amazing Free App. Photo and video editor with many features
September 30 2021
Picsify Tiktok ads
Picsify tiktok ads:1,Picsify tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:963,likes:42,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Picsify tiktok advertising text:Amazing Free App. Photo and video editor with many features
September 30 2021
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game Tiktok ads
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads:1,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:7233,likes:53,post:July 27 2021,Days: 4 Days,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok advertising text:Play and chat now!
September 30 2021
Hair Dye Tiktok ads
Hair Dye tiktok ads:1,Hair Dye tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:5863,likes:70,post:July 28 2021,Days: 5 Days,Hair Dye tiktok advertising text:Give your customers the perfect Hair Salon experience!
September 30 2021
Sporty Mood: Fitness Guide Tiktok ads
Sporty Mood: Fitness Guide tiktok ads:1,Sporty Mood: Fitness Guide tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:5559,likes:73,post:July 29 2021,Days: 6 Days,Sporty Mood: Fitness Guide tiktok advertising text:Make your body healthy. Install the app now!
September 30 2021
Ocean Fruit Park Tiktok ads
Ocean Fruit Park tiktok ads:1,Ocean Fruit Park tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:9131,likes:116,post:June 22 2021,Days: 15 Days,Ocean Fruit Park tiktok advertising text:Play to get real rewards!
September 30 2021
Ludo Master Games Tiktok ads
Ludo Master Games tiktok ads:1,Ludo Master Games tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:67486,likes:523,post:April 29 2021,Days: 13 Days,Ludo Master Games tiktok advertising text:Ludo master - Play Now!
September 30 2021
Vlinder Story:Dress up Games Tiktok ads
Vlinder Story:Dress up Games tiktok ads:1,Vlinder Story:Dress up Games tiktok ads cost:191.18-382.35,Region:FR(1),view:63725,likes:963,post:June 23 2021,Days: 8 Days,Vlinder Story:Dress up Games tiktok advertising text:Combinez librement vêtements et cosmétiques, très cool!
September 30 2021
CAFU Fuel Delivery & Car Wash Tiktok ads
CAFU Fuel Delivery & Car Wash tiktok ads:4,CAFU Fuel Delivery & Car Wash tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:2024675,likes:3188,post:May 20 2021,Days: 8 Days,CAFU Fuel Delivery & Car Wash tiktok advertising text:Get fuel delivered to your car. Use promo code "TIKTOK20" for AED20 off your 1st fuel-up.
September 30 2021
Ultra Bus Simulator 2021 Tiktok ads
Ultra Bus Simulator 2021 tiktok ads:1,Ultra Bus Simulator 2021 tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:61787,likes:1540,post:July 27 2021,Days: 6 Days,Ultra Bus Simulator 2021 tiktok advertising text:New bus and truck game! Download and enjoy now!
September 30 2021
Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت Tiktok ads
Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت tiktok ads:1,Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:191619,likes:1543,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت tiktok advertising text:خصم 50% للمستخدمين الجدد
September 30 2021
تربيعة بلوت Tiktok ads
تربيعة بلوت tiktok ads:2,تربيعة بلوت tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:374146,likes:3061,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,تربيعة بلوت tiktok advertising text:أصبح ثريًا في بلوت
September 30 2021
Arrow Fest Tiktok ads
Arrow Fest tiktok ads:2,Arrow Fest tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:1942104,likes:25126,post:July 28 2021,Days: 8 Days,Arrow Fest tiktok advertising text:Increase the number of your arrows!
September 30 2021
SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online Tiktok ads
SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online tiktok ads:1,SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online tiktok ads cost:23406.67-46813.34,Region:FR(1),view:7802224,likes:141225,post:June 24 2020,Days: 7 Days,SHEIN-Fashion Shopping Online tiktok advertising text:Plusieurs choix possibles! Trouvez votre look favori!
September 30 2021
4D Wallpaper 2020 Tiktok ads
4D Wallpaper 2020 tiktok ads:1,4D Wallpaper 2020 tiktok ads cost:0.01-0.01,Region:US(1),view:1,likes:0,post:July 29 2021,Days: 4 Days,4D Wallpaper 2020 tiktok advertising text:Nous vous garantissons que votre smartphone aura fière allure !
September 30 2021
3D Live wallpaper Tiktok ads
3D Live wallpaper tiktok ads:1,3D Live wallpaper tiktok ads cost:0.04-0.08,Region:FR(1),view:13,likes:0,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,3D Live wallpaper tiktok advertising text:Nous suivons toutes les tendances du monde. Vous trouverez les dernières images de fond de nous.
September 30 2021
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game Tiktok ads
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads:1,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:520,likes:0,post:July 27 2021,Days: 4 Days,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok advertising text:Play and chat now!
September 30 2021
VIDTRICK: Easy Video Editor Tiktok ads
VIDTRICK: Easy Video Editor tiktok ads:1,VIDTRICK: Easy Video Editor tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:326,likes:10,post:July 26 2021,Days: 4 Days,VIDTRICK: Easy Video Editor tiktok advertising text:Wow! Cool app for you install it now
September 30 2021
Top Bus Simulator Pro 2021 Tiktok ads
Top Bus Simulator Pro 2021 tiktok ads:1,Top Bus Simulator Pro 2021 tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:927,likes:11,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Top Bus Simulator Pro 2021 tiktok advertising text:New bus and truck game! Download and enjoy now!
September 30 2021
WallpArt Pro Tiktok ads
WallpArt Pro tiktok ads:1,WallpArt Pro tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:2443,likes:15,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,WallpArt Pro tiktok advertising text:Over 1000+ wallpapers for your phone. Try it!
September 30 2021
Pearl Pimple Tiktok ads
Pearl Pimple tiktok ads:1,Pearl Pimple tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:1267,likes:13,post:July 19 2021,Days: 4 Days,Pearl Pimple tiktok advertising text:Find the emeralds!
September 30 2021
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game Tiktok ads
Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads:2,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:7919,likes:50,post:July 20 2021,Days: 4 Days,Ludo Cup: Smart and Easy game tiktok advertising text:Play and chat now!
September 30 2021
Wallpix studio Tiktok ads
Wallpix studio tiktok ads:3,Wallpix studio tiktok ads cost:null-null,Region:AE(1),view:2751,likes:126,post:July 28 2021,Days: 4 Days,Wallpix studio tiktok advertising text:Amazing Free App. Photo and video editor with many features
September 30 2021
3D Live wallpaper Tiktok ads
3D Live wallpaper tiktok ads:1,3D Live wallpaper tiktok ads cost:12.7-25.4,Region:FR(1),view:4234,likes:60,post:July 27 2021,Days: 4 Days,3D Live wallpaper tiktok advertising text:Nous suivons toutes les tendances du monde. Vous trouverez les dernières images de fond de nous.
September 30 2021